Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Rich in China Got Richer Thanks to Covid-19

The Fed wants the asset holders to be bailed out and the Fed will try, but the US rich "In general" will not as a class all do better.

The masses need more ... or the rich need to get less ... or civil unrest will grow.

Jack Ma, etc, etc, might appear to be rich, but without approval from the CCP, it's doubtful they'll be able to fully utilize their money.

Classifying people simply according to how rich they are, completely misses the point.

Some people are rich because they can go out and fill Wembley Stadium with people paying GBP100 to hear them sing old songs.

While the former, bonafide rock stars, may be "Rich", they are still working people.

American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic.

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