Monday, May 25, 2020

Undercover Huber Lays Out New Details of Mueller Investigation Corruption

The more you dig into the behavior of Robert Mueller and his team, the more obvious it is that they weren't unbiased, dogged public servants.

For years people pointed out that Mueller managed to hire nearly all Democrat ideologues onto his team.

Once the actual Mueller report came out, it was obvious that he and his team had nothing but wanted to kneecap Trump in the process.

The collusion portion was full of nothingness, but the obstruction portion was a laying out of "Evidence," none of which was compelling enough to charge a crime, but more than enough for the media to run wild with.

As we continue to look back though, things get more and more damning.

Undercover Huber has a new thread out detailing what he sees as blatant corruption by the Mueller team in some of their charging decisions, including how they went after George Papadopoulos.

Undercover Huber May 24, 2020.CONCLUSION. What's worse is that Clinesmith was part of the same SCO team that prosecuted Papadopoulos for a §1519 obstructive alteration crime he appears to have already committed *himself* only a month beforehand, while he was "Primary FBI Attorney" on Crossfire Hurricane.

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