Thursday, February 20, 2020

Will Censorship Prevail over the First Amendment?

In the United States censorship is both imposed from above and flows from the bottom up.

Censorship is imposed from above by, for example, TV and print media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and by laws in 28 states prohibiting criticism and participation in boycotts of Israel and by President Trump's executive order preventing federal funding of educational institutions that permit criticisms of Israel.

The ubiquitous censorship that today is characteristic of the United States has shut down comedians.

Official explanations are shielded by labeling skeptics "Conspiracy theorists." The ubiquitous censorship in the United States is an extraordinary development as the US Constitution guarantees freedom of expression and a free press.

These 28 states have imposed censorship in behalf of a foreign country.

Americans have gags stuck in their mouths because 28 state governments put the interest of Israel higher than the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

How else do we explain 28 state governments imposing censorship in behalf of a foreign country?

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