Monday, February 17, 2020

Europeans resent Trump's forcing them to contribute to their own defense

Contrary to Europeans' self-satisfied faux-socialist vision of themselves, Europeans didn't fund their so-called "Soft socialism." Instead, for the most part, Americans did.

During the Cold War, the government collected taxes from Americans to pay Europe's defense costs, allowing Europeans to spend their tax money on all those little socialist luxuries.

Even as the Europeans were luxuriating in the lap of America-funded social welfare programs, they constantly criticized America for seeking to have a bigger say in world affairs.

As has been the case since WWI, which was the first time America rode to Europe's rescue, Europeans complained that Americans were unsophisticated bullies lacking in nuance.

Trump has taken things to the next level by demanding that Europeans start helping to pay for their own defense.

To hear the Europeans whine you'd think America was leaving them high and dry.

It's ironic to hear the Europeans insist on their solutions with America's money.

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