Thursday, February 27, 2020

Bernie Sanders' Nightmare

Hazy as these images seem, they're realer than anything Bernie Sanders ever said about my birthplace.

How Dad went from being Fidel Castro's friend and schoolmate to an enemy of the State to the dictator's nemesis in the Exile should sound the alarm about the Democratic front-runner.

Like most intellectuals of the day, Dad initially supported Castro.

His buddy promised economic justice and social equality, much as Bernie Sanders now does.

To my father's credit, he early on began to protest Castro's actions, such as nationalizing private industry, seizing farms and businesses, and inviting Soviet military personnel.

Safe in the United States, Dad became a durable thorn in Castro's side.

"When Fidel Castro came into office, do you know what he did?" Bernie Sanders said on 60 Minutes last Sunday.

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