Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coronavirus For All: Dems' Plans Would Make Us Sick

Health officials say a Wuhan coronavirus spread in the U.S. is inevitable, and are telling us to prepare.

All favor heavy government intervention into health care matters and would limit, and in some cases eliminate, private-sector participation.

Even supporters of government health care have acknowledged that some will go without treatment under their preferred system.

A native of Canada who has firsthand experience with Canada's socialist health care system, Pipes says currently overcrowded hospitals, a common occurrence in countries where demand for medical care is high because it's "Free," "Make quarantining patients difficult, if not impossible, in the midst of an outbreak."

Expect the crowded conditions in Canada, Great Britain, and other countries where government controls health care to grow even more unmanageable as the sick, as well as those who don't have coronavirus but are afraid they do, overwhelm providers and facilities.

Socialist health care systems also discourage innovations in the pharmaceuticals and medical devices that save and improve lives.

The media is unlikely to challenge the Democratic candidates in regard to their health care plans and the coronavirus.

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