Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bloomberg, In Freudian Slip, Brags He "Bought" Democratic Majority In The House In 2018

While he was touting his $100 million in donations to House Democrats, he essentially bragged that he "Bought" 21 congressional Democrats their seats in 2018 midterms.

Bloomberg came within a hair's breadth of saying he *bought* the Democratic majority in the House and caught himself as it came out of his mouth pic.

"Let's just go on the record, they talk about 40 Democrats," Bloomberg said, referring to former Vice President Joe Biden.

In the #DemDebate, billionaire Bloomberg boasted that he "Bought" right-wing neoliberal Democrats like Nancy Pelosi.

Then after saying "Bought," he quickly corrected himself and said "I bought, uh got them" pic.

I BOUGHT THEM - Bloomberg accidentally admitting his world view.

The billionaire founder of Bloomberg LP has faced deep criticism for leapfrogging other Democratic primary contenders in the national polls, despite being a latecomer.

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