Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bernie Sanders' Troubling Agenda

As Sen. Bernie Sanders looks more and more like the one who may win the Democratic presidential nomination, some tell us that he isn't the radical leftist others make him out to be.

The storyline continues, compared to many prominent European political figures, Sanders is mainstream.

Even if one assumes that Sanders would not ramp up government intervention beyond what he now promises, what he already has on the table is much more than run-of-the-mill Democratic programs.

In these aspects, Denmark is very different from what Sanders aspires to implement in the United States.

As hard as they've tried, what they've dreamt up still isn't as big of an expansion of government control over our wallets and lives as Sanders proposes.

The result would be much higher taxes and more borrowing by Sanders than by any government run by Corbyn and McDonnell.

The bottom line is: Don't believe those who tell you that Sanders is some sort of centrist.

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