Monday, February 17, 2020

USA Leads World in Lowering CO2 Emissions

A new report by the International Energy Agency that tracks carbon emissions worldwide dropped great news for the United States under the leadership of Donald Trump on Tuesday.

"The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis - a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt. US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period."

Not only is Trump leading the world in economic success but he's also doing exactly what the climate scolds all claim they want, which is leading the world in energy saving.

Do not look to the Democrats to give Trump any credit for the energy reductions and number one status in the whole darn world for "Green" policies.

In 2019, The Guardian put out a list of all the terrible climate policies of Trump's including "Departing from the Paris climate agreement summit," which, of course, we all now see was not at all necessary in order to reduce emissions since the US is leading all of them.

"President Trump has made eliminating federal regulations a priority. His administration, with help from Republicans in Congress, has often targeted environmental rules it sees as burdensome to the fossil fuel industry and other big businesses." Isn't it amazing that you can get rid of stupid regulations and still have cleaner air and water?

"All told, the Trump administration's environmental rollbacks could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and lead to thousands of extra deaths from poor air quality every year, according to a report prepared by New York University Law School's State Energy and Environmental Impact Center."

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