Thursday, February 20, 2020

Farmers Feed Cities, Democrats Feed Hatred

Hardworking farmers everywhere can take heart that the masses readily see that most Democrat politicians are full of what they fertilize their land with: MANURE!

When 2020 presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg was a little boy, as opposed to the little man he grew up to be, he was sustained by the same milk millions of little boys the world over drank and by other fresh farm products raised and nurtured by the same farmers he tried to ridicule circa 2016.

While Bloomberg can say what he wants about the agriculture industry, it's still a fact of life that "Farms Feed Cities"-including the one he served as mayor for three terms.

Billionaire Bloomberg claims he "Could teach anybody to be a farmer," even implying that farmers don't have the same level of "Skillset" or "Grey matter" as folks in tech jobs.

"Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg takes the stage tonight in Las Vegas for his first nationally televised debate with fellow Democratic presidential candidates amid new controversy over a one-minute video in which the billionaire describes farming in overly simplistic and, some say, insulting terms. The development, many pundits believe, could pose the biggest threat to Bloomberg's nascent campaign yet, on par with Hillary Clinton's 2016 comments dismissing some Trump supporters as"Deplorables"-remarks that have been described as a "political gift" to her opponent.

In a statement, campaign manager Kevin Sheekey pointed out that the clip leaves off "Mike's first sentence where he is referring to agrarian society that lasted 3,000 years, not farmers today."

Democrats are hoping that the masses won't realize that they're ALL SAYING THE SAME THING. Unlike political Democrat demagogues, farmers make their living from the sweat of their brows.

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