Friday, February 1, 2019

Shove It, House Democrats: Another Trump-Russia Story Blows Up

Remember the Trump Tower meeting that Donald Trump, Jr. held in 2016, where he met some Russians who totally wasted everyone's time? Supposedly, the meeting was made under the pretense that this group of Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The July 2018 story read, "Then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN." Cue up the Russian collusion machine again, right? Who was the source? Oh, that would be Lanny Davis, Cohen's attorney, who then backtrackedeverything.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has obtained phone records showing that President Trump was not one of the blocked numbers his son Donald Trump Jr. called before and after the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, CNN first reported and ABC News later confirmed.

The big picture: Trump Jr. made phone calls to two blocked numbers the same day he spoke with Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, who helped set up a meeting three days later with a Kremlin-linked lawyer claiming to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump Jr. late Thursday laid into House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., after reports appeared to vindicate the younger Trump of Democratic suspicions that he made phone calls to President Trump around the time of the Trump Tower meeting with Russians in June 2016.

Democrats have long suspected the calls were between Trump Jr. and his then-candidate father regarding a meeting with Russians offering dirt on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.

BuzzFeed had to eat it after two reporters, one of which was flagged by the Columbia Journalism Review as a total fake news generator, wrote that President Trump directed ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about a real estate deal in Russia.

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