Monday, October 1, 2018

This is about the Ford vs Kavanaugh hearings and the aftermath. 1

Democrats were not looking for evidence because they had convicted Kavanaugh before the whole charade even started. After Christine Blasey Ford's completed her testimony they pampered her by praising her bravery, apologizing for the suffering she and her family endured, making her a national hero for abused women and elevating her to near saint status. Their 5 minute questions were testamonials to her rather than questions. No evidence was offered to corroborate her charges.  In fact before she even spoke her named witnesses to the alleged assault had denied under penalty of perjury any knowledge of the alleged assault. They were the only ones who could have backed up her charges. The hired prosecutor who questioned her in behalf of Republican senators asked probing question but got little of substance in return. Ford was inconsistent and could not explain even a number of simple gaps in her account. It was a sham. But the Democrat senators loved it.  In contrast they treated Kavanaugh like a criminal.  Their questions, often redundant, kept asserting that Ford's charges were legitimate and Kavanaugh would do everyone a favor by owning up to his crime. They relentlessly peppered him with ridiculous claims Ford had cast. They begged him to tell President Trump to delay the decision to seat him on the court to allow the FBI to further investigate the already unsubstantiated charges.  In short they revealed their real strategy to be delay, delay, delay until after the November elections so they can deny Kavanaugh's appointment if they take over the senate. Truth, decency and ethics are not in their political arsenal.    

Three Republican Senators rightfully chastised their Democrat colleagues for their disgusting behavior throughout the whole Kavanaugh charade.  Their truthful remarks did not sit with the Democrats.  Someone on Capital Hill proved just how unethical, hateful and irresponsible and politically dirty Democrats are. Quote: "An unknown person located in the House of Representatives on Thursday posted the personal information of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, as well as Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah. All three senators sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and their personal information was posted shortly after each questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during Thursday’s hearing.  “They appear to be targeting Republican members of the committee after they question Judge Kavanaugh,” a Hatch spokesman told The Daily Caller News Foundation."  And,  "Graham delivered a fiery criticism of Senate Democrats shortly before his personal information was posted, a technique known as “doxxing.” “What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020,” Graham told Senate Judiciary Democrats. “You’ve said that. Not me. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. When you see Sotomayor and Kagan, tell them that Lindsey said ‘hello’ because I voted for them. I would never do to them what you’ve done to this guy,” the senator said. Other Republican Senate offices have already faced a deluge of threats meant to intimidate their votes on Kavanaugh.""     Anyone claiming to be a proud Democrat should carefully examine why.  

The Sunday "news" shows were all aflutter regarding the whole Democrat fabricated mess.  The undercurrent in most were posturing the hope that the latest FBI investigation would produce evidence of the dirty "truth" that the Trump nominated miscreant would finally emerge to oust Kavanaugh.  They fear him because he threatens their dream of a left wing friendly Supreme Court. Of course they did not voice their objections that way but, as the history of their past ten years suggests, that is their full intent. 

Some items that assess the testimony of both Ford and Kavanaugh.

This is Ford's opening statement.

This is Kavanaugh's opening statement.

This link provides content of a statement Kavanaugh sent the Republican chair and Democrat co-chair after the conclusion of the hearings.

The prosecuter who questioned both Ford and Kavanaugh said she did not hear anything that would cause her to prosecute Kavanaugh. 

Senator Diane Feinstein follows a long line of unethical Democrats willing to say and do anything to return them to power.  That she is ethically challenged has been long known.  She proves it yet again.  Quote: "Sen. Feinstein Does ‘Fact Check’ on Judiciary Committee. It Doesn’t Go Well. Democrats in the Senate have been pressuring the Republican committee chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley, for an FBI investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh. The Judiciary Committee responded to the California senator’s “fact check” with some facts of its own."  Read their response.  It highlights her lies and incompetence.   

Senator Feinstein  may also face consequences after the stunts she pulled during the Kavanaugh fiasco. She withheld Ford's letter citing charges for weeks and only revealed it after the hearings were over. Best guess is she decided to use the letter to delay consummating the hearing if their effort to force him out failed.  They failed and out pops the "new" revelation. Convenient, no???  But, this link deals with her in a different manner.

Ford follows the long tradition of lying throughout her time promoting her uncorroborated claim that Kavanaugh assaulted her. Not noted during the hearing is the fact that she is a Democrat, left wing activist and an abortion supporter.  To me that seems like motive to do what she has done. She has played her part in their charade very well indeed.   Her female attorney Katz is a long time radical left wing activist.  Kind of tells you what they are up to...

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