Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Democrats have intentionally divided the country and stoked fear among the public for a very long time

The media and other Democrats are saying that Trump and Republicans have divided the country and encourage hate.

It is clear the media is mixed up because the country has been divided long before Trump and the Democrats have always injected fear into elections.

Democrats are the ones who support Louis Farrakhan, not Republicans.

Democrats are the ones that had the KKK leader as an honorable leader in the Senate for years, not Republicans.

Democrats are the ones that pushed the fictional "Hands up don't shoot" narrative to gin up racial hate and hate towards cops, not Republicans.

The media has supported Democrats no matter what they say or do and now they are willing enablers and participants in seeking to destroy Trump and other Republicans no matter how much propaganda they have to spread. Of course Democrats, with the help of the media, have been ginning up racial hate for a long time.

How long would slavery have existed if Democrats gotten their way and defeated Lincoln?

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