Monday, October 29, 2018

Liberals are angry because they were sure Trump would fail

  1. Which is why the left now pines for, as The New York Times recently put it, principled Republicans. The party has lost its way and abandoned what it stood for. Nicholas Kristof writes in The Times that sure there are principled people left in the Republican party  by which the left means people who oppose Mr.
  2. Trump is a bigot for articulating his America First paradigm, doesn't that mean the millions of formerly Democratic voters who crossed over to vote for Mr.
  3. He persuaded blue-collar workers that they have nothing in common with the radical environmentalists, people like Tom Steyer, who have taken over the reins of the Democratic party and want to destroy their manufacturing, mining and energy jobs as a sacrifice to the gods of global warming.
  4. Liberals want a return to the days when the GOP's standard bearers were people like George H.W. Bush, Bob Michel, Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney — and most recently, John Kasich.
  5. These voters abandoned the union leaders and the party of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders in favor of an agenda of better trade deals, border enforcement, lower taxes, less regulation and more coal, oil and gas jobs.
  6. It was only when the mean Newt Gingrich hijacked the party with a hard-charging conservative political and economic reform agenda that the GOP blasted out the Democrats with dynamite and won the House for the first time in a half-century.

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