Friday, October 26, 2018

No, CNN: Nationalism Is Not White Supremacy

Spectator Cortes jumped in to say it's "Incredibly mistaken" to compare American nationalism to Nazism, saying that the former "Is about shared ideals, it's about a constitution."

There is no reference whatsoever of race for the obvious reason that nationalism has zero to do with race, much less white supremacy.

Just as Trump correctly says his nationalism is about putting America first, Gandhi was about India first - an India run by Indians, not the British.

As it were, 1776 and the Founding fathers were all about American nationalism.

The late Civil War historian James A. Rawley wrote Abraham Lincoln and a Nation Worth Fighting For, in which Rawley describes Lincoln as having "An abiding spirit of nationalism." Rawley all the way back in 1963 - the centennial year of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address, wrote a lengthy piece titled simply "The Nationalism of Abraham Lincoln." So now to all those liberal media folks of today Lincoln is simply pushed aside - or more likely not even understood - in their haste to paint "Nationalism" as some sort of white supremacist doctrine.

There was no stronger nationalist then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who is described by Churchill biographer Michael Makovsky as using his wartime leadership to defeat the Nazis by "Imbuing his nationalism and imperialism with a moral imperative."

Those twentieth-century dictators, exploiting economic distress and national humiliation, also held out economic dreams, one a corporate state economy, the other a clever wedding of nationalism and socialism.

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