Friday, October 26, 2018

Things Worth Checking Out 2

This judge is upset with Obama era State Department operatives who lied to him.   This is what Democrats do.  Quote: "During a hearing last Friday, a federal judge slammed Obama-era State Department officials for lying to him and playing “word games.” Four years ago the watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the State Department demanding access to all documents concerning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s response to the 2012 Benghazi terror attack. Department officials promptly requested the suit be dismissed on the grounds that they had already found and dispersed all related documents.  U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth refused the request at the time, and speaking Friday, he expressed satisfaction with his decision on the basis that it’s since become clear that the officials had made “false statements.”   I would not trust the current crop of Democrats with I own.
The hyper partisan political members of the Democrat party need to read this and understand that their hateful and totally irresponsible behavior during the Kavanaugh hearings was an assault on the independence of the Supreme Court.  Their long abuse of the Court for their own political purposes by supporting appointment of left wing politically activist judges to the Court is the only way they have been able to force their destructive political agenda on the American public.  Chief Justice Roberts affirmed that point by quoting Kavanaugh in a recent speech which affirmed the importance of the Supreme Court is not suppose to act as a political body which is exactly what the Democrats want. Quote: "“It’s a small thing, perhaps, but it is a repeated reminder that, as our newest colleague put it, we do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle, we do not caucus in separate rooms, we do not serve one party or one interest, we serve one nation,” the chief said, referencing remarks Kavanaugh made during his ceremonial installation at the White House. “I will not criticize the political branches,” Roberts said. “We do that often enough in our opinions. What I would like to do is emphasize how the judicial branch is and must be very different.” Roberts finished off that statement by saying the justices speak for the constitution and not the people. Showing that they try to operate above partisan politics. The fact that Roberts quoted Kavanaugh while speaking of the process shows the level of respect he has for the courts newest justice."    Kavanaugh's ascension to the Supreme Court was a win for America and a much needed loss for a corrupt Democrat party.This short piece does a good job of shooting holes through illogical left wing feminists claims. Quote: "This is one of the greatest hypocrisies of modern feminism, and the left in general."
Past notes have expressed this obvious fact.  But this piece lays out the truth.  Quote: "Within the span of a week, two high-profile Democrats verbalized their party’s perspective on politics. “When they go low, we kick them,” former attorney general Eric Holder frothed to a group of loyalists. “That is what this new Democratic Party is about,” Barack Obama’s former cabinet official proclaimed to shouts of “fight, fight, fight.” (Holder later backtracked.)  Then a few days later Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.” Holder and Clinton have finally voiced the reality: There’s politics. There’s dirty politics. And then there’s the trifecta of progressive politics—lying, cheating, and stealing to win."  And,  "With liberal leaders like these serving as role models for their constituents, is it any wonder progressive activists such Jackson Cosko, a fellow in Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee’s congressional office, would do things like allegedly illegally access then release Republican senators’ confidential contact information? Or that the mob mentality is overtaking the left? While this new Democratic Party has been operating for years, the Kavanaugh incident revealed the progressive left’s modus operandi to moderate Americans. The question is whether such potentially Democrat-leaning voters will place party loyalty above principles come November."

Democrat rats are devising all kinds of ways to avoid testifying before Congress about their obvious illegal activities to try and kick Trump out of office. Quote: "On Friday, Nellie Ohr the Fusion GPS Contractor and Wife of DOJ Official Bruce Ohr invoked marital privilege to avoid testifying about her husband." 

If you do not think Democrats will do anything to win elections you need to read this item along with the three links at the end of the narrative.  They are maximizing voter fraud efforts to win using illegals aliens. This is not the first time either.   More:

And, if you think Democrats look for and run well qualified and reputable candidates for political office you will be surprised at who they pick.  This piece offers just one example.  

The so very honest, responsible and respectful political left is running scared of the truth that they are frauds.  They have faced the music.  So to deal with avoiding letting the truth be told they are attempting to censor anything and everything that violates their love for socialist policies and cultural Marxist doctrine.  Censoring to hide the truth from us all is all they have left to defend themselves.  Quote: "Facebook employees actively suppressing conservative news stories (while they willingly ignores biased CNN’s disgusting lies). Social media platforms aren’t the only big tech giants taking aim at conservative America… Amazon openly bans conservative books…"

Democrats are getting more irresponsible and irrational all the time.  This Democrat has devised and incredibly stupid and totally dangerous amnesty plan.  It is becoming more clear every day that Democrats have lost the ability to think logically.  It seems like they are trying to out stupid each other. This item will help you understand what I mean. Quote: "Senator Brown is not only calling for amnesty, but is insisting taxpayers foot the bill for illegal immigrants."   Here is another example of how low members of  the Democrat socialist party are willing to go. 

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