Sunday, October 28, 2018

Crazy Haters and the Twisted Press

At the same site, Paul Mirengoff departs from the press train emphasis on the political leanings of those who commit such crimes to endorse Daniel Horowitz's contention that the real story is "The failure to put criminals behind bars and keep them there."

The New York Times went one better on the Post, blaming Palin's campaign mailer for the Scalise shooting.

An editorial on Thursday about the shooting of Representative Steve Scalise incorrectly stated that a link existed between political rhetoric and the 2011 shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords.

The editorial also incorrectly described a map distributed by a political action committee before that shooting.

Don't you? Bury the background of the shooter if he's on the left.

When the shooter appears to be from the right, double down on even the provably false contentions made in past shootings that it was the intemperate rhetoric of the right to blame.

The shooter appears to someone who not only hates Jews, but hates President Trump as well.

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