Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Things Needing Our Consideration 1

I just sat through much of Trump's news conference announcing the new trade agreement reached with Mexico and Canada.  It was all good news for Americans, jobs, etc.  While some trade questions were asked and answered the left wing agents in the media wanted to focus on the ongoing FBI investigation of Kavanaugh.  They were obviously trying to uncover anything they could that would allow them to write about or report on how  Trump is trying to direct/control the investigation so they could cast aspersions and lies about how unfair he is to poor Christine Ford. He defended Kavanaugh against their recycled questions about the three accusers.  Their support of her and disdain for Kavanaugh was palpable.  They are, as Trump said, part of the Democrat party.  And, he did not mean that as a compliment.    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-trade-nafta/trump-cites-historic-trade-pact-with-canada-mexico-idUSKCN1MB28G?   The mainstream media has no room in their hearts to offer anything positive about Trump's accomplishments no matter how good they are.  Their only reason for being is to try their best to discredit him in any way they can. That the mainstream media is full member of the Democrat socialist party cabal is a provable fact.  They are not interested in anything unless Democrats are given credit.  It is well established fact that they refuse to report anything Democrats do to discredit themselves which would fill their broadcasts and newspapers if only they would be honest journalists.

Some people will find this shocking.  But evidence of extensive criminal behavior is well documented of many colluders fighting against President Donald Trump throughout the election cycle and his time in office.  Quote: "When Trump first started talking about the swamp, we all assumed that he was talking about politicians who are taking money from interest groups and turning over power to those interest groups in return. We were not wrong to assume that’s who he was talking about. But the swamp goes much deeper. The swamp includes ranking Democrats who employ murder cults like MS13 and the corrupt lawmen who cover for them. It includes sold-out media scum who defend MS13. It also includes a massive, global network of human trafficking and pedophilia rings. This ring encompasses politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors- all the types of people we’re conditioned to trust implicitly. If you’ve ever been involved in a legal battle, a political fight, or worked in the medical industry- you know these people thwart more progress than they promote. Well, if this report is right- the Trump administration is getting ready to take down a massive elite crime ring."     https://patrioticviralnews.com/articles/signed-executive-orders-point-to-coming-mass-arrests-for-deep-state-traitors-in-u-s/

The Russian Trump collusion noose is also approaching the neck of former President Obama.  The Democrat party is in really deep trouble as more and more evidence emerges detailing their involvement in criminal activity from the Oval Office to the nation's intelligence apparatus, the State Department, the DOJ and FBI, DNC, the Clinton campaign and the ever loyal left wing mainstream media. Quote: "Judicial Watch announced this week it has uncovered startling new evidence that former British spy, Christopher Steele was in Barack Obama’s pocket long before Fusion GPS set out in its failed attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. The courts compelled the FBI to release over 70 pages of highly redacted official records concerning Steele and his part in the infamous dossier the Clinton campaign used Democratic National Committee funds to fund."    https://freedomnewsreport.com/2018/09/27/new-evidence-showing-steele-was-in-obamas-pocket-well-before-fusion-gps/

More on the previous item.  It is common knowledge that Obama was and is a consummate liar. He is a true expert. This piece offers proof. Quote: "Judicial Watch announced this week it has uncovered startling new evidence that former British spy, Christopher Steele was in Barack Obama’s pocket long before Fusion GPS set out in its failed attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. The courts compelled the FBI to release over 70 pages of highly redacted official records concerning Steele and his part in the infamous dossier the Clinton campaign used Democratic National Committee funds to fund. According to the documents, in which Steele is referred to as “Confidential Human Source” (CHS), he revealed his relationship with the FBI in a conversation with a third party. That relationship is confirmed by at least 11 documented payments from the FBI to Steele in 2016. The document also shows the FBI admonished Steele for “unknown reasons” early in that year. Sarah Carter reported in February 2018 that Steele began working for FusionGPS after he started compiling information on then-candidate Trump. That work for FusionGPS is irrefutably connected to the Clinton Campaign and Democrat National Committee. The official admonishment mentioned in these most recent papers verifies that Christopher Steele was (CHS) or spy for the FBI in early 2016. If he hadn’t been working for the FBI as a spy he couldn’t have been admonished by the agency."  And, now proof of his lies. Of course he denies ever lying,  Ask yourself if he ever told us this: "The Obama administration weaponized its intelligence agencies to target political opponents. James Comey who answered directly to Obama authorized criminal section and the payment of foreign actors to attempt to bring down Trump. To make matter worse, Steele’s unverified report was used illegally to obtain the FISA spy warrant against Trump and those close to him. There is a direct line that connects Steele, to Clinton, to Obama. All roads lead to Obama and lead back to a bogus report illegally obtained through funds channeled through the Democrat Party."   https://freedomnewsreport.com/2018/09/27/new-evidence-showing-steele-was-in-obamas-pocket-well-before-fusion-gps/

As you read this item keep in mind that he is the former Director of the FBI, James Comey.  He just publically proved he is nothing but a left wing political hack and an exceptionally unethical and stupid man. Don't believe me?  Read this.  Quote: "In a blistering op-ed in the New York Times disgraced former FBI Director James Comey continually suggested that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is guilty based on unsubstantiated claims against him."  And,  "That is right, the former director ignores due process and calls for an investigation when he has already reached a conclusion in his mind. Sound familiar?"    http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/disgraced-fmr-fbi-director-issues-verdict-on-kavanaugh     What a disgraceful human being he is.

This piece by the prosecuting attorney who questioned both Dr. Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh decimates former FBI Director Comey's insanely stupid comments.  She shreds Dr. Ford's testimony and as a prosecuting attorney expert in sex crimes says Ford has absolutely no case against Kavanaugh. Quote: "Rachel Mitchell, the prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford last week during a hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote a five-page memo that was released on Sunday that outlines why she would not bring criminal charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Mitchell's memo notes nine significant problems with Ford's testimony and underscores that her case is "even weaker" than a "he said, she said" case."  And, she ends her piece by suggesting both Democrats and Ford's attorneys influenced her comments. "The activities of congressional Democrats and Dr. Ford’s attorneys likely affected Dr. Ford’s account."  Telling words from an experienced prosecutor. https://www.scribd.com/embeds/389821761/content      Democrats and her attorneys best pay attention to Mitchell's comments.  They are out on a limb which could easily break and could well lead to finding out if they orchestrated this whole thing, wrongly victimizing both Ford and Kavanaugh, but especially Kavanaugh.  Their conduct borders on being criminal if not actually so.    More: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-01/rachel-mitchell-memo-highlights-weaknesses-ford-testimony

If you, like me, have serious doubts about the veracity of Dr. Ford's opening statement and subsequent answers to questions from Ms. Mitchell, then you will find this item very interesting, maybe even disturbing.   https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/huge-christine-ford-published-2008-article-on-self-hypnosis-used-to-retrieve-and-create-artificial-situations/?

The previous item transmitted on the topic of Ford vs Kavanaugh cited difficulties that Senator Feinstein could be facing for her misconduct in the Kavanaugh case.  This item furthers that point.  http://punchingbagpost.com/sen-cotton-says-sen-feinstein-office-to-be-investigated-over-leaked-ford-letter/?

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