Friday, July 22, 2016

The Racial Divide 2

This black man does not understand the hatred blacks and liberals have for cops.  This is a impassioned discussion he has shared with reasonable people.  Quote: "Following the shooting of police officers in Dallas, Texas last week, Palm Beach County Officer Jay Stalien took to Facebook to blast the Black Lives Matter movement. This piece is longer than normal, but the ideas of Officer Salien should not be ignored by our society. Stalien, who is also a former police officer with the Baltimore Police Department, wrote the following, which he said was "something that is still hard for me to understand to this day" and that "may be a shock to some coming from an African American." However, he said that the very fact that it may be shocking to some is "evidence of the sad state of affairs that we are in as Humans." 

     Thomas Sowell is not only an esteemed economist but also someone with a load of common sense.  It would really be nice if people who populate the political left from die hard progressives to liberals, socialists and Democrats would only listen, read and understand the common sense he espouses.  This is one such item.  Please read.  Quote: "Socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster. While throngs of young people are cheering loudly for avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, socialism has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food, people complaining that they cannot feed their families."   

     This item by Lloyd Marcus details Obama actions which he charges are meant to create divisiveness.  Quote: "My fellow Americans, it is outrageous that our president of the United States is leading the charge against America's cops by promoting the lie that cops murder blacks at will.  Our evil, manipulative, smooth-tongued instigator-in-chief had the audacity to say the only way for cops to be safer is to admit they have a problemFolks, Obama's statement is a standard Democrat trick.  First they create a false premise.  Then, with help from their buddies in the mainstream media, Democrats brand everyone who does not embrace their false premise a hater, divisive, intolerant, bigoted, and mean-spirited.  If Obama can con cops into embracing his lie that cops are racist and murder blacks, it will further open the door for Obama to take over (federalize) our nation's police  another Democratic Party attack on states' rights.  By the way, Obama's DOJ has already infiltrated 30 police departments nationwide."

     Allen West is a great black American.  Here's what he has to say.  Quote: "The best means by which our real American dreamers achieve their hopes is with a quality education. But, it appears the resources needed for them are being allocated elsewhere for the politically defined foreign born dreamers. Case in point: in America, English learner programs are costing between $20-$25K for each Obama administration-defined “dreamer.” Instead of these investments going toward after school education, music, arts, and vocational training programs for our children, our tax revenues are being redistributed from American dreamers to the foreign millennials.  When all is said and done, the total annual education cost for those here illegally is $52 billion. But, this does not take into account the oversized classes, over-extended teachers, and the other adverse effects on our education system.  Some will certainly deem this commentary as lacking compassion. However, what can be more dispassionate than to politically deny the dreams of our own children and grandchildren? We must ask ourselves, for what purpose?  There are those who would actually attack anyone stating these figures as xenophobic and racist. This has become a means to an end preventing anyone from bringing this topic to the discussion table. They would leverage the catch all phrase of “multiculturalism” to promote ideological uniformity -- and silence.  It is time to break the silence of apathy and weakness to secure the future for the real American dreamers."

      Larry Elder is another common sense black American.  He cites a study by a black Harvard University professor who refutes everything Obama and his black and white racist hate mongering friends claim about white cops killing blacks. Quote: "A new study by a Harvard economist, who happens to be black, finds cops less likely to use deadly force on black suspects vs. white. Angered by the deaths of Freddie Gray and Michael Brown, black men in Baltimore, Maryland, and Ferguson, Missouri, respectively, who died at the hands of the police, professor Roland Fryer Jr. said, "You know, protesting is not my thing. But data is my thing." So he sought to answer the question. Do the police, in fact, use lethal force against black suspects more than they do against whites?  Fryer examined 1,332 police shootings -- including fatal and non-fatal shootings -- in the police departments of 10 large cities in Texas, California and Florida. He said his findings surprised him. In an article about the study, The New York Times wrote: "In shootings in these 10 cities involving officers, officers were more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white. Black and white civilians involved in police shootings were equally likely to have been carrying a weapon. Both results undercut the idea of racial bias in police use of lethal force." 

     Here is another Larry Elder item.  Check it out!  He is absolutely right. Watch this five minute video.  Quote: "Larry Elder on Black Fathers Matter. The history of the welfare state is the history of the state’s savage war of aggrandizement and seizure of authority against civil society. The dire effects of this calculated collectivism is malevolence not benevolence, aggression not altruism, genocide not generosity."

     David Clark, Milwaukee County's black sheriff, has repeatedly spoken out about this problem.  Here is a recent speech he delivered at Hillsdale College.  These are some of the comments highlighted by the author of the piece: "Left-wing agitators intent on bringing down America, said Clarke, were targeting law enforcement in order to destroy the rule of law and bring about anarchy.  Connecting the left-wing riots in Baltimore to those in Ferguson following the death of Michael Brown, Clarke examined President Barack Obama’s support for the rioters and the broader neo-Marxist narratives upon which the “Black Lives Matter” movement is built. Obama’s left-wing agitation for the bully pulpit, said Clarke, exacerbated the very problems “Black Lives Matter” and their sympathetic ideologues claim to want to address: hardships afflicting blacks. “I heard the President of the United States say he understood. He understood the rioters. I didn’t,” said Clarke. “I don’t know what the good law-abiding people of Ferguson did to deserve to have their town burned down,” said Clarke, indirectly describing professional racial agitators such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as “vultures” preying on contrived controversies.  On the subject of pathologies more prevalent in urban areas, Clarke spoke to the need for marriage and families, saying that children are far more likely to be successful when raised by their own mothers and fathers. High concentrations of fatherless young men with idle hands, said Clarke, were far more dangerous than social forces such as “systemic racism” regularly invoked by the left."  

      Here is an encounter Sheriff Clark had with CNN's Don Lemon.

     This black Republican candidate for the US senate had this to say during his speech at the Republican convention.

This is another black chief of police says honest words and receives death threats for doing so. Quote: "El Paso Police Chief Greg Allen came under fire during a press conference following the Dallas massacre that left five officers dead and nine others wounded. “Black Lives Matter, as far as I am concerned, is a radical hate group,” said Allen. “For that purpose alone I think the leadership of this country needs to look a little bit harder at that particular group. The consequences of what we saw in Dallas is due to their efforts.  Just yesterday, days after the press conference, El Paso Police Union officials announced that the city’s black police chief received death threats over his comment, not for his skin color, but for his comments. Local Democrat officials from the NAACP and ACLU penned a letter demanding the mayor and city council members “publicly repudiate the statement, forcefully and unequivocally.”   The NAACP  and ACLU have long embraced socialistic objectives and have done little to nothing to elevate the status of blacks...most of their efforts have, instead, worked against them by simply perpetrating the leftist narrative that blacks are victims and oppressed by privileged whites.    
     Mychal Massie is another black man who has his facts straight and a good head on his shoulders.  Watch this short video and I think you will agree.

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