Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Few Items Of Mostly Forgotten History

As most of us know history has been scrubbed by progressive/liberal revisionists.  They choose to teach skewed, revised history to facilitate their brand of political control rather than teach the lessons to be learned from actual history.  The consequence is the mess our nation's political, social, cultural and fiscal mess we are now in but which is not readily understood by the grossly undereducated/under informed masses.  This helps the liberal left to manipulate innocents to behave according to their flawed dictates.  The items below provide a few examples that present real history, the good and bad.  They clarify the source of only some of what we all need to know and understand if past mistakes are to be avoided.  Unfortunately, that is not the intent or desire of arrogant progressive elitists now in control. 

Quote: "Unfortunately, most of what we are taught in History survey classes in American schools consists of simplistic formulas.  Formulas designed to persuade those forced to attend the government-controlled education mills that they should ride the same ideological hobby horses as whoever currently has the power to selecttextbooks and prescribe curricula.   Whether it was the rabidly pro-American imperial History of yesteryear that pushed lines such as, “We never started a war and never lost one,” and “We turned a raw wilderness into a civilized nation,” or if it is the rabidly anti-American propaganda of today spouting lines such as, “America was founded by deists who used serial genocide and economic fascism to steal a nation, pollute the earth, and poison the sea," neither are correct. Both versions are merely two sides of an extremely myopic view which does not seek to discover nor promote the truth, but instead seek to mold the next generation into what they think will be foot soldiers in their own crusade.  History, if it has any value at all, fulfills two goals.  First, the study of History should provide context.  A text without a context is a pretext, and we must have context so we can understand how we as a people became who we are, how the world became what it is, and where it might go next.   Secondly, the study of History should help us learn from and hopefully avoid the mistakes made by those who have gone before so we can leave a better world to those who come after.   However, as stated above, these are rarely the goals of history education.  The reason why is summed up in a joke only Historians seem to get."

The sad history of debasing history. Quote: "Today’s civic history — what’s left of it ­­— increasingly acts as a political weapon and propaganda tool. Its number-one purpose is to remind Americans of Western crimes and sins, the Hoover Institution’s Bruce Thornton has recently observed. History ceases to be the measured study of individuals, institutions, resources, and regimes, and their impact, consequence, and distinction. It’s a Manichaean tale revealing liberal morality in its radiant glory. For its votaries, it is a message of righteousness and redemption."  And, "A regime whose creation stories and legends turn on “enslavers” and “invaders,” however, cannot long survive. Ritual shaming is not a nation builder. Sooner or later bold paladins will feel it’s their duty to even the score with their oppressors, or failing that, their privileged descendants."

Modern day progressives/socialists perpetually denigrate our Founders.  Those who do so are a sorry lot and clearly do not know their history or at least do not want us to know our history.  But, then, that is the liberal, progressive way.  They have an agenda and true history would get in their way. So they create a revised history that supports their desired "facts".  Quote: "Ignorance of our history, coupled with an inability to think critically, has provided considerable ammunition for those who want to divide us in pursuit of their agenda. Their agenda is to undermine the legitimacy of our Constitution in order to gain greater control over our lives. Their main targets are the nation's youths. The teaching establishment, at our public schools and colleges, is being used to undermine American values."    

This is an example of the illogic of progressive/leftist thought.  Quote: "Martin Luther King Jr.’s “dream” is dying. It’s not dying of old age or fading away because we’ve moved past it. It’s being choked to death slowly with plans to dump it in the bay.  The Klan would love to claim responsibility, but it can’t. It is self-declared “social justice warriors” who are tightening their grip.  The level of stupidity of the American progressive left knows no bounds. The sloppiest drunks will hit bottom and pick themselves up, but social justice warriors defy physics by continually sinking lower."

This may be a surprise for some.  It deals with historical approaches to foreign trade in comparison to many of today's leaders.  Quote: "In recent decades, a revisionist history of American trade policy has developed an almost religious status in Washington D.C.
In this context, the candidacy of Donald Trump has been presented as a deviation from America’s historic “free trade” policy when, in fact, America was founded on Alexander Hamilton’s protectionist economic system whose greatest defenders would become Abraham Lincoln’s Republican Party.  Our nation’s long, successful record of trade protectionism has been “deliberately forgotten,” says economist Ian Fletcher.  Today, “standard economic history taught in the United States is distorted by ideology and has key facts airbrushed out,"

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