Thursday, July 28, 2016

Soros: Softer Rhetoric, but Anti-Brexit Plan Has Hidden Teeth & Claws

“Europe is about to collapse and has to be completely reinvented…. The very nature of the EU has to be put to the test,” said billionaire globalist George Soros (shown) in an interview Wednesday with The Hungarian-born investor/manipulator is an ardent Eurofederalist and has been a leading funder of left-wing NGOs and globalist efforts to transform the European Union into a full-blown socialist Superstate. During the run-up to the historic Brexit vote on June 23, Soros was personally active — along with other billionaire one-worlders, such as Jacob Rothschild, Richard Branson, and Michael Bloomberg — speaking and writing against the effort by British citizens to extricate their country from the strangling grasp of the EU.

But his influence went far beyond his public interviews and syndicated columns: His funding of numerous pro-EU/anti-Brexit NGOs and think tanks extended his Eurofederalist footprint across the continent. Joining in Prime Minister David Cameron’s “Project Fear” campaign, Soros told British voters that a Brexit victory would cause horrendous economic harm, including a “Black Friday” stock market crash and a collapse of the pound sterling, Britain’s currency. That did not happen, of course. And, in fact, the International Monetary Fund — which had also promoted the Project Fear bandwagon — has, since the Brexit, noted that the United Kingdom’s economy will likely outperform both France and Germany in the coming year.

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