Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Few More Items Of Mostly Forgotten History

This is something the secular left socialists/progressives/liberals are trying their best to erase from the American consciousness and our history.  They think that if they can only get rid of all those Christians they could finally establish their utopia on earth.  Little do they know how very wrong they are.  If they had any understanding or knowledge of our nation's early history they would know that the belief structure of the founders of this country was nothing even close to their secular socialist/progressive/liberal ideals.  Most were either Christians or believed in Christian principles as articulated in the Christian Bible, the most quoted document during the founding era.  These modern day hedonists need to get a grip on their hatred of Christians and Christianity.   They are the beneficiaries of this nation's mostly Christian founders yet they are seeking to destroy all that they bequeath them.  Quote: "God In The 13 Colonies is a simple reminder of the involvement that God has had in the formation and development of the United States politically, socially, financially, and spiritually. His involvement and oversight were repeatedly mentioned and invoked by the Founding Fathers at both the state and federal levels. The American Declaration of Independence provides the very foundation for the original colonies’ rejection of British rule and authority. The foundation laid was that Britain had violated the rules of God in their mismanagement of its empire, and that ultimately the rights of men and women are issued by God Himself and not the government.
Where did they get the ideas they espoused? They got them from reading and practicing the principles found in the Bible. The impact of the Bible on their thinking was so prevalent that it influenced the formation of the Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and every state constitution. If that is truly the case then we should see evidence of God in the 13 colonies, shouldn’t we?" And, "The next time someone wants to exclude Him from public life, please gently and patiently remind them that God (in general) and the Christian faith (specifically) is responsible for the enjoyment of the liberties we currently have in the United States of America. That is a fact, at least according to the people who set up this system of government in the first place."    

This is a bit of history more people need to understand.  Quote: "George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush laid the foundation for everything that Barack Obama has done to facilitate the New World Order. That two of these Presidents are Democrats and two are Republicans only proves my point: both the Democratic and Republican parties have succumbed to New World Order ideology.  Just yesterday, Barack Obama, meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Neito at the North American Leaders’ Summit in Canada, said, “We’re going to keep on pushing hard to shape an international order . . . .”  The EU is the prototype of global government. The Treaty of Rome in 1958 was the precursor to what became the EU as we know it today with the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992. Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush tried their best to push through a North American Union but were stymied by the independent-minded spirit of the American people and State legislators--especially the legislators in Texas and Oklahoma.  In reality, anti-globalist fervor has been brewing for many years on both sides of the Atlantic. Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul are the ones who most recently ignited the anti-globalist movement in this country. Furthermore, it has been the anti-globalist movement that has fueled the political campaigns of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Now, Great Britain has voted to leave the EU. And the anti-EU movement is growing in several other European countries as well, so I doubt that England will be the last country to secede from the EU.  Britain's secession from the EU is the first national act of defiance to the globalist agenda since the globalist elite created the United Nations. But as I said, globalists will not take this lying down. The fight has only begun. The big apple has always been the United States. And, sadly, globalists control the Federal Reserve, the DOD, the CIA, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the congressional leadership on both sides of the aisle."

Quote: "Madison became our fourth president, but his presidency is not the chief source of his greatness. There would have been an entirely different America without Madison's enormous input and foresight at the contentious 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. There were 55 delegates to the convention. Like Madison, some had a formal college education, while others did not. From Madison's notes about the quality of the debates and discourse, one could not tell who was college-educated and who was not. Their ages ranged from 26 (Jonathan Dayton) to 81 (Benjamin Franklin), with the average age being 42."

What did George Washington think of political parties?  Read this item.  Quote: "The Constitution says nothing about political parties.  Not only that, but the Founding Fathers explicitly did not want American politics to become partisan.  In the Federalist Papers, Hamilton and Madison both warned against the dangers of domestic political factions.  Moreover, the first president of the United States, George Washington, was not a member of any political party at the time of his election or throughout his tenure as president.  In fact, Washington argued that political parties should not be formed for reasons he stated in blunt terms his Farewell Address.  Washington's analysis is not only brilliant, but remarkably prescient."

Our nation's founders foresaw the mess progressives have made of our nation.  A brief review of their words provides evidence of their prescience.  Here is one example: "President James Monroe stated in his first inaugural address, March 4, 1817: “Under this Constitution … the states, respectively protected by the National Government under a mild, parental system against foreign dangers, and enjoying within their separate spheres, by a wise partition of power, a just proportion of the sovereignty … are the best proofs of wholesome laws well administered. … It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising the sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy attainment, and an usurper soon found. The people themselves become the willing instruments of their own debasement and ruin.”

Quote: "This is a forgotten aspect of American history. It is worth mentioning.  The Preamble is the most famous section of the Constitution.  We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

A real assessment, not revisionist history.  Quote: "How did World War I lead to World War II? That is the central question historian Ian Kershaw asks in To Hell and Back: Europe 1914-1949, the first of an ambitious two-volume work covering the history of Europe in the twentieth century. Why did “the war to end war” instead bring about a far more devastating conflagration that took the continent into what Kershaw calls “an assault on humanity unprecedented in history … a descent into the abyss never previously encountered, a veritable hell on earth in which Europe came close to destroying itself.”  Ironically, Kershaw locates the intellectual foundation of this “bottomless pit of inhumanity” in the turn of the century “Golden Age” of civilization and progress referred to as La Belle Époque by the French and, fondly, as the Wilhelmine era by the Germans. Here were the origins of eugenics and racial anti-Semitism. Moreover, this was an era when national, religious, class, and ethnic hatreds simmered. Everyone is familiar with the massacre of Armenians during World War I, but few are aware that 80,000 Armenians were massacred in 1894-1896 under Sultan Abdul-Hamid II and an additional 15,000 to 20,000 by the Ottomans in 1909."

HBO has a bad habit of rewriting/altering history.  It is safe to say HBO is a major left leaning media outlet bent on changing history for propaganda purposes.  Quote: "Grant and HBO predictably ignore everything that's happened in America since the Hill fiasco that ruins their leftist narrative. The film ends with the happy note that sexual-harassment complaints quickly doubled at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency Thomas led during the Reagan years. The film doesn't breathe a word about all the sexual harassment and rape charges against, yup, Bill Clinton, and how Anita Hill came to Slick Willie's defense in op-eds and TV interviews and shredded the consistency of feminism in the process.  HBO would never do a film about Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey or Juanita Broaddrick with the words, "It only takes one voice to change history" over their face. Bill Clinton's alleged harassment of them in the workplace and hotel rooms could never make them feminist icons like Hill. Feminists put female accusers down when they question the behavior of "feminist" male politicians."

This assessment of the HBO film of LBJ's presidency, "All The Way" is only partially accurate.  The bullying and racism he is known for is apparently only partially portrayed.  My guess is they did not want to go too far in revealing the vile attributes of this liberal icon.  Here's more from the film's director.

This is a bit of history that many probably do not know.   Another bit of FDR history most of us do not know.  It is also a lesson in today's political reality. 

This will surprise some.  FDR was not the nice person the left paints him to be.  Quote: Regarding a conversation between FDR and Churchill, "Vice President Henry Wallace, who recorded the conversation in his diary, said Roosevelt spoke approvingly of a plan (recommended by geographer and Johns Hopkins University president Isaiah Bowman) “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.” The Wallace diary entry adds: “The president said he had tried this out in [Meriwether] County, Georgia [where Roosevelt lived in the 1920s] and at Hyde Park on the basis of adding four or five Jewish families at each place. He claimed that the local population would have no objection if there were no more than that.”  President Roosevelt’s “best way” remark was condescending and distasteful at best.  And if anyone else had used such language, it probably would be widely regarded as crossing the line into antisemitism. But more than that, FDR’s support for “spreading the Jews thin”  may hold the key to understanding, a subject that has been at the center of controversy for decades: the American government’s tepid response to the Holocaust."  

This is an interesting piece of forgotten history of a Jewish man who helped save the American Revolution.

This author's research has surfaced parallels to the 1930's and today. 

How the CIA distorts and does not allow true history to emerge.  A brief case study.

This is a summary of a book we all should read.
I am confident that most of us did not know this history lesson.  I knew a bit of it but certainly not to the extent provided here.  The lesson offered is very, very real.  Quote: "War does not serve a purpose in our world, but the unfortunate reality is that there are many people who thrive and profit off of conflict. 9/11 is a perfect example — a supposed ‘terrorist’ attack used to justify the infiltration of the Middle East.  There are more oddities, like the information suggesting that both sides of the war were funded by the same group. You can read more about that here.  Have we learned from our mistake? The fact that nuclear weapons even exist is a discouraging fact, and I am ashamed to be part of a race who has developed so many of them. It would be great if we could use our brilliant minds/science to advance ourselves as a civilization, not destroy it.  We need to learn from our history, not accept textbook explanations that paint a false picture of it. That being said, we have come a long way since 1945; it’s clear that the majority of people on this planet prefer to live in a peaceful world, so why are there so many obstacles in place preventing us from doing so?"

A most interesting history lesson.  Its focus is on the folly of government sanctioned wars/international conflicts and is most relevant to many of today's politician and crony capitalist elites.   

The left has long claimed that Hitler was a Christian and committed horrendous acts as a Christian.  But, as so much of modern day history, this is just another leftist lie, a revision if you will of history designed to demean Christianity.  Funny isn't it that they never seem to mention the well more than 100 million deaths factually attributed to socialists, communists, fascists whose religions are either secularism, agnosticism or atheism.  Here are some facts about Hitler's religion to correct the false narrative which is pure made-up leftist propaganda.  Seemingly to those on the left most anything bad is good and most anything good is bad.  That does not mean all such people fit that narrative but when push comes to shove, leadership adhering to such political or religious philosophies foster either violence or oppressive (or both)  practices against peaceful souls.

Quote: "Once again, rather than accurately portraying Clay as a walking disaster of a warmonger – an early-day Dick Cheney – he is praised to the treetops by the Heidlers and most other historians because he participated in the committee that worked out the peace treaty that ended the disastrous (for America) war that he, more than anyone else, was responsible for.  In addition to heaping mountains of phony praise on Henry Clay’s statist, plunder-seeking, and imperialistic behavior, the Heidlers viciously smear Clay’s foremost opponent in the debate over the war, John Randolph.  They describe Randolph as “fearlessly nasty” in the way in which he opposed “the war hawks”; “uncontrollable under the best circumstances”; “a tireless Cassandra”; “a peculiar character”; “irritable”; “vicious”; “quick to anger” with “a hair-trigger temper”; and the most shocking of all (to the Heidlers), “he took an instant dislike to Henry Clay” (p. 87).  Randolph was obviously an astute judge of character.  For his part Randolph, who fought a duel with Clay (both missed), said of him:  “He is a man of splendid abilities but utterly corrupt.  He shines and stinks, like a rotten mackerel by moonlight.”

This item covers ten interesting facts regarding slavery in ancient Rome.

A bit of unfortunate, overlooked or ignored history courtesy of President Jimmy Carter.  Quote: "While fighting for equality and human rights is a noble goal, what the Atlantic ignores is that as president Jimmy Carter was responsible for the creation of three of the most repressive, anti-human rights regimes in recent history, Mugabe in Zimbabwe, the Islamist Iran, and the Taliban in Afghanistan."  

This is a bit of history highly relevant to much of what is happening today when leftist led government seeks to subordinate science to its will.  Please read.

A short but interesting piece of history.  Quote: "The ship was fashioned after the Titanic, and met an end no less tragic, but the tale of the Cap Arcona—and the thousands of concentration-camp prisoners who lost their lives aboard it—is one you've likely never heard.  The "Nazi Titanic" gets its due in a new book of the same name by Robert P. Watson, a historian and professor at Florida's Lynn University."

George Burns

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