Tuesday, July 26, 2016

DNC disarray is the foreshadowing of a Clinton administration

You won’t need an astrologer to see the future if Hillary Clinton becomes president. You can just take the anger, backstabbing and blame-gaming at the Democratic Convention and repeat — for four years.
Another email scandal, another FBI investigation, all laced with wild conspiracy theories about Russian hackers helping Donald Trump and with a victim card always at the ready. Hillary played one early, telling “60 Minutes” that she’s widely distrusted only because lots and lots of bad people say untrue things about her.
Where to begin with that one?
Ah, it’s the Clintons, and only the details are new, everything else is the same old, same old. She still sees a vast right wing conspiracy, and now there’s also a conspiracy on the left that’s out to get her, too.
It could be that the black cloud of trouble follows the Clintons, or that they are the cloud. Either way, it’s already clear in Philadelphia that they haven’t lost their gift for turning the routine into the riotous.
The bid by the disgraced Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to hang on to her chairman’s job long enough to gavel in the delegates seemed foolhardy, and was. She had trouble getting a word in at her home state delegation’s breakfast, so it was an act of mercy that she soon disappeared into the void of former chairman.


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