Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Congressional Cowards! Throw Them All Out!

It has been a while since I wrote an editorial on what I think about everyday. What we face as a nation is daunting at times and even more hopeless at others. We find ourselves fighting but we find ourselves questioning why we even make the effort to fight. Our leadership is pathetic. Nearly everywhere we turn we find ourselves surrounded by much of the same self-indulgence and greed that has eroded every part of the fundamental core of our nation. It appears never ending and it seems to me that entitlement and selfishness, the opposite of what our forefathers stood for, is redefining our great nation.
Edmund Burke stated, “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” Thomas Jefferson stated as well in his infinite wisdom, “I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.” And yet we have Abraham Lincoln who stated so eloquently, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
So there we have it. If we do nothing, we fall on the sword of evil men. If we let corporations and corrupt leadership go unchallenged as they defy and defile the laws of our nation, we allow that evil to win. And as we sit and watch those who would serve themselves at the expense of the people, we let them destroy us, in essence destroying ourselves. 

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