Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What They Do & Say

The founders anticipated that at some point the federal government could become overbearing, tyrannical and oppressive.  This is what has been slowly but surely happening for the past 100 years or more.  But, the last two administrations have cranked matters up a notch.  The founders also thought of some remedies for such circumstances.  Here is what the principle author of the Constitution, James Madison, had to offer.  It behooves us to heed his counsel.

By now everyone knows about the Democrat senators release of  the enhanced interrogation report which indicts the CIA.  The report was written by the senators and staffers without interviewing a single individual they charge with egregious acts.  They had two years to do so but didn't.  Instead years after the fact they claim they didn't know or misled.  Those excuses do not wash.  Rather it is likely a function of selective memory and anger following their losses in the November elections.  So they acted now instead of years ago to release their one sided and damning report before they lose power in the Senate.  Their intent is obviously to hang this around Republican necks for the 2016 elections.  So it is to suspect is was more a political stunt than a legitimate effort to report the facts.  Check out this item which advises us that when the members of the intelligence committees of both houses of congress were briefed on the topic in 2002 Democrats raised no objections.

This is interesting.  Even the leftist New York Times supports an injunction halting Obama's illegal actions to grant up to 5 million illegals amnesty.   Another commentary.

Bill Clinton's Secretary Of Labor Robert Reich, a well established leftist, now admits that the Democrats are in Wall Street's pocket.  Check out what he has to say.  Quote: "But the reason Democrats have pulled their punches with the financial sector for years is because it’s hard to punch the hand that feeds you.  This must stop. America can’t tackle widening inequality without confronting the power and privilege lying behind it."

If what this Florida representative says is true Obama is actively admitting Central and South American communists into the country.

This is absolutely out of bounds.  Obama has damaged our relationships, purposefully I think, with our friends around the world, including Israel.  Meanwhile he as sucked-up to many of our long standing enemies (also purposefully in my opinion).  He is a real and present danger to the nation.  Contact your elected officials and demand they take all actions necessary to stop this unconscionable act dead in its tracks.

George Burns

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