Sunday, December 7, 2014

Another Gruber Comment Confirms All The Obamacare Liesl

They lied yet again.  This video offers proof of the real intent of how Obamacare subsidies were to work.  Quote:  "Well, here comes the latest hugely embarrassing Jon Gruber video, a January 2012 appearance in which he confirms without ambiguity that federal exchange customers aren’t supposed to receive subsidies, and explains exactly why: “If you’re a state and you don’t accept an exchange, that means your citizens don’t get their tax credits.  But your citizens still pay the taxes to support this bill.  So you’re essentially saying to your citizens, you’re going to pay all the taxes to support all the states in this country.”  It cannot be more clear than that.  

The lies just keep coming.  Even this former top advisor to Obama says so.  The treatment we the citizenry get from Obama, his minions in government and the media is stunning.  Quote:  "A former top aide to Barack Obama appeared on CNBC, Thursday, and demolished the narrative, promoted by the administration and some in the media, that Jonathan Gruber is minor figure. Ex-presidential adviser Steven Rattner previously exposed the ObamaCare architect, who lashed out at "stupid" Americans, as an "important" individual."   

And get this.  Companies are now being sued by the Obama administration for complying with Obamacare because provisions contained in the Obamacare law conflict with other federal laws.  The unbelievable incompetence of those who composed Obamacare is simply that, unbelievable.  And the lies they keep telling us about how great it really is likewise unbelievable.

Watch this short video of CNN's Wolf Blitzer interviewing Dr. Ben Carson.  Note that Blitzer tries to trap Carson into saying something controversial.  Carson handles Blitzer's attempts quite well.  Two items are covered:  Carson makes reference to the fact that the current PC culture in the US is much like that in Nazi Germany - people are afraid to say what they think for fear of reprisal. And, he offers comments about Obamacare.  Again Blitzer tries to trap him, but fails again.  Try to tell me that many in the mainstream media are not liberal government propaganda functionaries.

George Burns

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