Thursday, December 11, 2014

About This Senate Committee Release of Study of Bush Era Interrogation Techniques

I am not sharing these items to support or exonerate the treatment of terrorists characterized in the report by anyone anywhere.  Rather, my intent is to illustrate how dirty politics has become.  The study was conducted by a democratic controlled Senate committee.  It has just been blasted by voters who rejected their politics and policies.  This release is fraught with political payback overtones.  It is likely an act of childish retribution for Republican victories in the November elections.  I would be saying the same thing if such an irresponsible tactic was employed by Republicans.  It also has the potential to harm the nation whether true or not.  Read the narratives below and internal links to see how you react.

Quote:  "Some reports today have come out suggesting that this was a completely partisan Democrat assault on the CIA. David Harsanyi of the Federalist writes that “The Senate Democrats’ ‘Torture Report’ Is About Politics, Not Justice.” Harsanyi (who opposes the use of torture), then goes on to detail the many reasons that Senator Feinstein’s “torture report is absolutely unbelievable. Harsanyi expertly debunks many of the major claims made by the report and shows why through their own actions, the Democrats who released the report have already proven it to be false."

Here is what former Senator Bob Kerry, a Democrat, has to say.  Quote: "I do not need to read the report to know that the Democratic staff alone wrote it. The Republicans checked out early when they determined that their counterparts started out with the premise that the CIA was guilty and then worked to prove it."  And, "I regret having to write a piece that is critical of the Democratic members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Most of them are former colleagues and friends. I hope they will remain friends after reading this."   This link is lifted from the above link.

Our political culture has become a corrupt cesspool of egotistical and vindictive partisans.  Their claims of working in the interest of the public is for the most part so much self serving or pure partisan hot air.  A good housecleaning is necessary.

George Burns

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