Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Destruction of America’s Pension Plans

The just passed $1.1 trillion Cromnibus (Continuing Resolution and Omnibus) check float that successfully got through the Republican controlled US House contains language that could gut pension plans, according to analyses by both conservative and leftist web writers.  “The pension provision was made public late Tuesday night,” says a web source that blasts efforts to write down public pension allotments.  (1)  Mike Adams of Health Ranger warns that “all the pension benefits that have been promised government retirees are about to be stolen back from retirees.” (2)
Quoting a WaPo article, Adams also points out that “the proposal would torpedo basic protections of the federal private pension law…that states once benefits are earned, they can’t be cut back.”  Spokeswoman Karen Friedman of the Pension Rights Center says this Cromnibus language would DEVASTATE RETIREES AND THEIR SURVIVING SPOUSES! (3)  Adams certainly is right by including this ominous pension threat in his blog about Natural News.  He sees these attacks on retirees’ income as outright WAR that spells financial disaster to the millions of pension dependents who served the public for decades. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unfortunately today pension plans are very changeable. People don’t have money for retirement. That is why many of them apply for payday loan online. It’s good solution for people who need cash. You can take these loans ant any convenient time for you. I think that the government has to pay more attention on such problems. Hope that the situation will change and people won’t have any problems with retirement.