Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Congress Passes Funding Bill without Defunding Executive Amnestys

Congress Passes Funding Bill without Defunding Executive Amnesty
The bill, H.R. 83, funds the Department of Homeland Security through February — without defunding President Obama's executive amnesty — and funds the rest of the government for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2015.

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Local Officials Explain Burden of Illegal Alien Minors to Congress
Last Wednesday at a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, local officials and experts testified to the strain that tens of thousands illegal alien minors have put on American communities.

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Sheriffs: Executive Amnesty Jeopardizes Community Safety
On December 10, sheriffs from around the country organized in Washington, D.C. and demanded that Congress support enforcement of immigration law and defund President Obama's executive action to legalize millions of illegal aliens.

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Senate Passes National Defense Authorization Bill
Last Friday, the Senate passed Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, which the House had passed on December 4. The NDAA contains provisions which will make it easier for Afghans and Kurds to emigrate to the U. S.

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