Monday, September 2, 2013

Subverting the Nation II

Recall earlier today I sent a note entitled "Subverting the Nation" wherein I mentioned that for more than 100 years the US has been migrating towards a totalitarian government and the the culprits were/are elitists in government.  This article affirms that claim and cites presidents starting with Woodrow Wilson who have either lied to or purposely misled the public as they pursue their desire to ignore or misrepresent facts regarding the Warpowers Act or dangers to US or international interests.  In effect each one violated the Constitution in pursuit of their own objectives.  In short they willingly and for their own purposes subverted the Constitution of the United States.  Both Congress and the Supreme Court let them get away with it.  So, here we are today in the mess we are in.  These examples are symptomatic of the problems that MUST be corrected if we are ever get our nation back on track.   

George Burns

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