Monday, September 30, 2013

Established Obamacare Consequences

Just a few days ago the President publicly declared that there is no evidence that Obamacare is harming the economy or hurting jobs.  Lets take a brief look at the facts.  Here are a few items that do just that.

1.  Cutting the number of hours for a full work week from 40 to 30 doesn't harm workers?  The logic of that part of Obamacare makes no sense whatever.  htttp://  and here:

2.  The claim of proponents is that Obamacare will expand coverage and enhance American healthcare.  How can that be if Obamacare results in the shut-down of healthcare facilities?

3.  And, what about unions?  You will recall that they were big supporters of Obamacare before it was enacted.  They spent millions of dollars and much leg work in support of its passage.  How do they feel now that they see what's in it?  Here is a partial answer to that question.

4.  And what about the claim that Obamacare would reduce costs?  It may well for a select few but not for the majority of people.  In fact tax payers will have the privaledge of paying for their own coverage along with paying through their taxes for the subsidies that the government claims it provides to those who qualify.

5.  And
 here is a related item.  Not only has the median income of Americans declined since Obama too office the number in poverty has climbed.  Check out this item lifted from  Do you think Obamacare will fix that problem?

The median income of American households dropped by $2,627 during President Barack Obama's first term — and the number of people in poverty rose by about 6,667,000, according to a new report from the Census Bureau.
Some 46,496,000 Americans are now in poverty, the highest number ever and a 16.73 percent increase from 2008 when Obama took office.
Overall, 15 percent of Americans are considered to be living in poverty, up from 13.2 percent in 2008.
But the figures are much higher for blacks and Hispanics — 27 percent of blacks and 25.6 percent of Hispanics are living in poverty. The rate for non-Hispanic whites is 9.7 percent.
More than one-fifth of all Americans under age 18 — 21.8 percent — are in poverty, as are 9.1 percent of those 65 and older.
A single individual earning less than $11,270 last year was considered to be in poverty. For two-person households, the threshold is $14,937; for three-person households, $18,284; for a family of four, $23,492.
Last year, the real median household income in America was $51,017, a 4.89 percent drop from 2008. Median income dropped in every year of Obama's first term.
For black households, median income last year was $33,321, according to the report "Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States," released on Tuesday.
The income and poverty estimates shown in the report are based solely on money income before taxes and do not include the value of noncash benefits, such as those provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicare, Medicaid, public housing, or employer-provided fringe benefits.

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