Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Harry Reid's Temper Tantrum

What I don't understand is why Harry Reid throws a temper tantrum when the Republicans in the House and Senate who want to defund or repeal Obamacare.  They disagree on principle with the law.  He, apparently on principle,wants the law to stand.  The bill passed in the first place only because the President and Harry cut backroom deals with fellow Democrats.  The bill itself passed with NOT one Republican voting for it.  His behavior before the bill passed was dispicable on several accounts other than the backroom deals because he refused to bring to a vote on the floor a multitude of Republican admendments to improve the bill.  He insistend the Republicans had no ideas to offer.  What a crock!  Now his childish behavior rises to the fore again.  He is of the ilk that if he can't get his way then he throws a temper tantrum.  The Democrats want the Republicans to be reasonable YET it is the Democrats who have been unreasonable throughout this whole charade.  See this link.   http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/reid-goes-ballistic-on-tea-party-anarchists/

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