Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nancy Pelosi says the federal cupboard is bare, there are no more spending cuts to make

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi swung by CNN’s State of the Nation to assure America that austerity has run its course, the budget has been cut to the bone, and there isn’t a penny left to pinch from Uncle Sam’s moth-filled wallet.  ”The cupboard is bare.  There’s no more cuts to make,” Pelosi gibbered.  ”It’s really important that people understand that.  We all want to reduce the deficit.”
And since there’s not one thin dime of waste, fraud, abuse, irresponsible spending, or unconstitutional power left in Washington, you know what that means.  Time for these ridiculous Democrats to slip into their deficit-hawk costumes and begin yelling about tax increases again.  There might not be any more room for spending cuts in the federal budget, but we can always squeeze a few more bucks out of the private sector, no matter how long Barack Obama’s economy floats face-down in the sewers of flat GDP growth and high unemployment.


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