Sunday, September 29, 2013

Private Sector Jobs Decreased By 278,000 Last Month

Despite the decline in jobs the President still says the economy is continuing to get better.  Huh?  That is simply not possible.  The decline in the number of jobs coupled with the increasing number of people dropping out of the labor force is what produced the 7.3%  unemployment rate, not an improving economy.  And get this, the President has stooped so low that he is now claiming that "there's no widespread evidence" that Obamacare is causing a cutback in jobs.  The man is either in denial or once again is willfully lying to the public.  Not only is Obamacare negatively impacting jobs/the economy.  It is increasing taxes (not counting that tax payers pay for both their insurance premiums and subsidies for those who qualify for them), flying in the face of forecasted declines in the number of available medical doctors willing to participate in Medicare and a decline in the number of total number of available doctors, complaints coming from both those in government and those outside government who helped pass the law in the first place, and more.  This is literally unbelievable.    

George Burns

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