Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Project Whistle-Blower: Pfizer skipped 10 years of safety tests and knew about adverse effects but released mRNA injections anyway

A whistle-blower video released in March shows Pfizer’s principal scientist admitting that the company skipped 10 years of safety testing, had significant knowledge of mRNA vaccine side effects, but released the covid injection to the public anyway.

Justin Leslie, a former Pfizer employee and whistle-blower, is the man recording this private conversation with Kanwal Gill, a principal scientist at Pfizer.

Uncover the hidden truth behind Pfizer vaccines with Project Whistleblower, a groundbreaking documentary created and narrated by former Pfizer employee and whistle-blower Justin Leslie.

He spoke about a documentary he recently released, which includes the clip of Pfizer’s principal scientist admitting that the company skipped 10 years of safety testing.

He released the video recording in March, claiming to have signed a sworn affidavit, which is provided on his X account.

She also mentions that they have attempted to bring mRNA technology to market for 50 years, but due to side effects, they were never able to do so.

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