Monday, September 23, 2024

Our So-called ‘Experts’ and their Silly Group-speak Letters

As a general rule, anytime we read an election-cycle solicited letter from retired functionaries, replete with their grandiose former titles, we should completely discount it.

One of the most preposterous recent trends has been the political use of supposed expert letters and declarations of support from so-called “authorities.” These pretentious testimonies of purported professionalism are different from the usual inane candidate endorsements from celebrities and politicos.

Think of all the health experts who collectively swore to us that the COVID mRNA vaccinations would give us ironclad and lasting protection from being either infectious or infected and were without any side effects.

Perhaps one of the most notorious examples was the “70 arms control and nuclear experts,” who in 2015 were gathered together by Obama subordinates to persuade Americans to support the administration’s bankrupt Iran Deal—the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

We no longer have a southern border, given the directorship of Border Czar Kamala Harris.

Instead, they are used by politicians to impress and persuade the public to follow the “expertise,” “science,” or “authorities” to support all sorts of injurious initiatives and policies—of dubious value and otherwise without much political support.

of supposedly “retired” Republican “national security figures” emphatically endorsed Kamala Harris.

Other “authorities” assured us the first nationwide lockdown in U.S. history would stop COVID without hurting the social or economic life of the country.

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