Monday, September 23, 2024

How Government-Funded Media Create Ruination and Despair

Every public broadcaster in the world has one client, the government. As such it is never independent. Perhaps in a more ethical time, when the plurality was Christian and you had to go to church if you wanted to keep your job and standing in the community. On Sundays you were warned of iniquity, that the wages of sin were an entirely unpleasant death and subsequent condemnation in the afterlife. Even the full-on atheist was cautious, and often that was enough to keep civic peace. Lying, mis-representing, destroying and the imperative to love one’s neighbor, that’s gone now. Now it is winning by any means necessary and truth be damned.

The following is an analysis of just how that happened: This is an excerpt from Against the Corporate Media, 42 Ways the Media Hates You, published on September 10th.

Frankly, I think the above demonstrates you can only trust independent media, based on your own judgment on the integrity and experience of the journalist.

Every public broadcaster in the world has one client, the government.

Admittedly, its morning drive-time radio news might take 10% of the market, but dollar for dollar more than 60% of us want it permanently shuttered.

Covid, the lockdowns, the preposterous carbon taxes, the horrors of vaccine damage which affects almost every family now, the flood of migrants, the disastrous miscalculations about legal street drugs, the skyrocketing price of energy, the shutdown of LNG, the homeless encampments in every city, and the debt ratio - the largest debt-to-GDP in the G7 - all these policies were viciously defended and aggressively promoted by the CBC, which eats up half the media dollars in the country.

Per capita, every single Canadian could like like a Saudi prince, creating the most extraordinary culture the world has ever seen.

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