Wednesday, September 11, 2024

California’s trillion dollars floating wind fantasy

That is a monstrous 3.4 trillion dollars worth of floating wind, a technology that does not even exist at commercial scale.

California has adopted a target of 25,000 MW of floating offshore wind generation capacity.

Floating wind is a crazy policy, even by California’s crazy standards.

The estimate begins with the huge Dominion Energy (DOM) fixed wind project currently under construction off of Virginia.

C. Floating wind is generally estimated to be three times fixed wind because that huge floater costs a huge amount more than the single monopile a fixed tower sits on, plus there is a lot of mooring to the sea floor.

D. Thus, 25 GW of floating capacity comes to $500 billion for construction and an incredible trillion dollars with financing.

I encourage people to send in comments objecting to this monstrous floating wind development effort.

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