Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Big Pharma’s Rap Sheet

 This conversation slapped me out of my own ignorance that Big Pharma’s rap sheet was well-known in the profession.

I do not trust the pharmaceutical industry.

The rap sheet of illegal activities is alarming.

My colleague did not agree, and I felt my eyes widen as he said, “I don’t think they would do anything dodgy.” Clearly, my colleague had not read the medical history books.

We were discussing – of all things – the Covid injections, and I was questioning the early ‘safe and effective’ claims put forward by the pharmaceutical industry.

I felt suspicious of how quickly we had arrived at that point of seeming consensus despite a lack of long-term safety data.

I probably wouldn’t be here today were it not for a couple of life-saving drugs (that’s a story for another time).

Civil cases, with their million-dollar settlements, are abundant too.

The Australian Federal Court case Peterson v Merck Sharpe and Dohme, involving the manufacturer of the drug Vioxx, is a perfect example.

Long story short, a March 2010 Federal Court finding in favor of Peterson was later overturned by a full bench of the Federal Court in Oct 2011.

These systems of influence, manipulation, and tactics were largely operative when Covid arrived.

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