Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Trial Lawyers Looking for a $100 Billion Coronavirus Jackpot

Trial lawyers see COVID-19 casualties and images of asbestos and tobacco lawsuits dancing in their heads.

Whom the trial bar has spent years buying and paying, can't wait to help in the grand heist.

In past class-action suits, such as asbestos, trial lawyers have won judgments of more than $40 million per case, with about 40 percent of the awards going to the legal counsel.

A new study that I did with Donald Kochan, a law professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, calculates that ambulance-chasing trial lawyers could file 100,000 lawsuits in the next two years, and this would wipe out up to one million jobs.

The trial lawyers are the bottom feeders in the swamp that President Donald Trump has promised to drain.

The trial bar portrays the McConnell bill as a gift to corporate America.

It's probably a trial lawyer who got rich by donating to Democratic politicians.

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