Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Maybe The Experts Should Listen To The Experts

Some version of "Listen to Dr. Fauci," or "According to Dr. Fauci" is uttered every hour on cable news.

No offense to Dr. Fauci - he knows more about medicine than I do - but he doesn't know everything.

There's nothing wrong with saying you don't know the answer to something, yet these experts speak with absolute authority every time they speak when they are simply making guesses, if not making it up.

How about you guys study some of the basics? I know COVID-19 is new, but it's been around long enough to find out whether or not it's airborne.

How do we not know that? There's no shortage of infected people - put a group of them in a room, seal it, and test the air at different distances.

As far as surfaces go, how do we not know how long the virus lives outside the body? We've gotten mixed messages on this, too.

So next time some cable news personality lectures the public for not doing this or not wearing that and say, "They need to listen to the experts," maybe they have.

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