Monday, August 31, 2020

California Is Coming for You: Its energy, tax and regulatory failures are the Democrats’ ideal for national policy.

California is an early glimpse for the rest of the country of a blackout-rolling, water-deprived, tax-hiking, spending-spiking one-party state longing for its old incandescent glow.

The U.S. may flip to one party rule; California is already there.

California is No. 3 in the nation in water prices.

Kiss incandescent lightbulbs goodbye-most were outlawed in California as of Jan. 1.

Of course, California spends money like a drunken sailor.

California is trying nonetheless, especially with innovation dynamos Uber and Lyft.

So what do the 300,000 Uber and 200,000 Lyft drivers actually want, as opposed to what California says they want? Like any good tech experiment, let's do an A/B test. 

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