Thursday, August 27, 2020

Ben Carson: Racially ignorant media don't know most minorities now live in suburbs

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is frustrated by what he calls false reporting about a Trump administration policy decision on housing zoning, saying media coverage relied on racial stereotypes that ignore that most minorities live in suburbs.

The Trump administration pushed back on the Obama-Biden plan, saying it would erode the quality of life in suburban America.

On the other, it involves the black middle class choosing to move to more upscale suburbs.

It is not just African Americans who are headed to the suburbs: other minority groups are, too.

Demographer William Frey of the Brookings Institution has documented the dramatic growth of "Melting pot suburbs," where minorities constitute 35 percent or more of the population.

Carson told Just the News the policy change on suburban zoning was driven by a belief in the principle of federalism - decentralizing authority to empower state and local governments, who understand local issues better than Washington and are more more accountable to local voters, who have the most at stake in solving local problems.

"What we're saying is the suburbs - and the people who are responsible at the local level - can run it anywhere they want, they can build whatever they want, but let them do it, not the federal government," Carson explained. 

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