Sunday, August 30, 2020

Portland mayor piously turns down Trump's offer of police aid, finds his apartment's lobby overrun by protesters

Portland's mayor, Ted Wheeler, has already made his city a punch line internationally, vacuously mouthing the platitudes of Black Lives Matter and watching mobs riot and burn his city for 92 days straight, with no effort to contain it.

Democrats bristle at Republican efforts to pin rioting on poor Democrat rule, but they are cut off at the pass when Portland is brought up.

Even the people in Minneapolis console themselves with the thought that as bad as their city is, at least it's not Portland.

President Trump brought up his city by name in his widely watched Republican convention speech, because it's such a kill shot.

On night 92 of the sacking of his city, Wheeler loudly turned down an offer of federal aid to stop the rioting and put out a loud "Stay away" press release, fully expecting some lefty clapping.

Kenosha didn't do that - all it took was a few nights of rioting, and they were all in for some federal help because there was some understanding about how bad it was going to get for their city.

If the incompetent Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, doesn't get control of his city and stop the Anarchists, Agitators, Rioters and Looters, causing great danger to innocent people, we will go in and take care of matters the way they should have been taken care of 100 days ago! 

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