Thursday, August 27, 2020

Lib Media Ignores Biggest Convention Story: Trump's Aggressive Outreach To Black Voters

Several quoted Biden's comments about blacks being monolithic and how they "Ain't black" if they support Trump.

He went on to say: "But I have news for them: We are free people with free minds. I am part of a large and growing segment of the black community who are independent thinkers. And we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward."

Jones added that Trump "Delivered historic funding to HBCUs and he guaranteed it for 10 years. Something that has never happened in the history of this country. That gave our HBCUs stability, the chance to grow and produce the next generation of black leaders. That's right. Donald Trump did that."

No wonder the press decided to spend its time picking nits about whether Trump deserves credit for the historically low black unemployment rate before the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Trump also used the convention to pardon Jon Ponder, a black man who had served a five-year prison sentence for bank robbery, whom Trump met at the 2018 National Day of Prayer celebration.

Does Team Trump know something that the press is also ignoring: Namely, that he has an opportunity to win black support that Biden desperately needs to win?

If Trump does manage to bring more black voters to his side, the press will act shocked and dumfounded. 

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