Sunday, August 30, 2020

Will Hillary and the Dems get the civil war they are trying to provoke?

We already know that the Dems will never accept a Trump victory.

Pelosi said that Trump was "Disgraceful" when he 'stalked' Hillary Clinton during the 2016 debate by walking near her, and that he will probably "Act in a way that is beneath the dignity of the presidency."

The message is clear: we do not recognize Trump as a legitimate opponent and should he win, this will be because of Chinese interference and/or and Russian interference and/or "Republican bullying".

The biggest difference is that Trump is not backed by Putin.

Many will probably vote Trump just because they will believe that he is the only politician who will stand against what the Dems promise to unleash against the majority of "Deplorables" who want to keep their country and traditions.

There will be push-back against the Dems attempt to turn the USA into some kind of obese transgender liberal Wakanda run by crooks, freaks and thugs.

The Dems won't get their civil war - but they will suffer the blowback for their attempts to destroy the United States. 

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