Friday, August 28, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine Follies

As a result, doctors can prescribe hydroxychloroquine at their discretion.

Hydroxychloroquine proved effective in China against the SARS and Covid-19 viruses, so scientists wondered if they could replicate those results elsewhere.

In one of those studies - conducted by the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan and published last month in the International Journal of Infectious Disease - hydroxychloroquine "Significantly" reduced the death rate in hospitalized patients.

"Our analysis shows that using hydroxychloroquine helped save lives," said Dr. Steven Kalkanis, a neurosurgeon who serves as the system's senior vice president and chief academic officer.

The FDA rejected the Henry Ford Health System's ensuing request to include hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option.

In June, the AAPS sued the FDA for arbitrarily interfering with doctors' ability to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

Media columnist Margaret Sullivan proclaimed America's Frontline Doctors to be "Fringe doctors spouting dangerous falsehoods about hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 wonder cure," she wrote. 

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