Monday, June 1, 2020

STONE: Now That I'm Ungagged, I'd Like To Say A Few Things About My Prosecution

With Attorney General William Barr now firmly in charge at the Justice Department, the steady unraveling of the coup plot against President Donald J. Trump by the Obama-Clinton junta raises the real possibility that a number of its culprits will face prosecution.

In February, the Attorney General found out just how diabolical the Obama-Clinton apparatchiks can be when the lawyers prosecuting me engineered a media frenzy to set Barr up for false accusations that he had intervened to serve the interests of President Trump.

This malicious prosecution used as a tool to silence and bankrupt me originated with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's partisan hit squad, but was migrated to the U.S. Attorney for D.C. when Mueller abruptly ended his nearly 2-year inquisition targeting President Trump and his political supporters.

At Yale Law, Kravis was recruited to work for a terrorist detainee at Guantanamo Bay alongside his fellow Yale Law grad Neal Katyal, author of "Impeach: The Case Against Trump." Katyal is also a regular MSNBC contributor, bashing President Trump every chance he gets.

Conspire among ulterior-motivated low-level appointees and bureaucratic holdovers from prior administrations whose allegiances are, at best, dubious, to undermine Donald Trump and his presidency from within and, if possible, manufacture false pretexts to remove Trump from office.

Now the dirty cops, the sneaky intelligence communitarians and the corrupt Obama-Clinton political hucksters who orchestrated a sedition plot against President Donald Trump are increasingly panic-stricken at the prospect of his re-election.

No matter how many red herrings, hoaxes, distractions and defamations the Obama protection cult has managed to churn out over the last four years, the truth is finally becoming crystal clear about who is responsible for sowing all of the chaotic division and acrimony that have acutely plagued our body politic for the last four years; about whose grandiose designs have been the impetus for so much cheap political gamesmanship and costly pursuit of fraudulent investigations; and whose corrupt political mafia stands to lose the most if the Trump presidency continues to succeed beyond all expectations.

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