Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Time to Expose the Fraud That Launched BLM

On Black Lives Matter's website, the organization's radical founders trace the creation of their movement "To the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer, George Zimmerman."

As it happens, the one person capable of exposing this fraud is George Zimmerman.

The evidence is overwhelming that Trayvon Martin's support team, including Martin's parents and their attorney, Benjamin Crump, knowingly substituted an imposter witness for the real "Phone witness" in order to secure Zimmerman's arrest for the 2012 shooting death of Martin.

Zimmerman was inspired to launch the suit based on the dogged research done by Los Angeles filmmaker Joel Gilbert for his documentary film and book of the same name, The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America.

Attorney Larry Klayman was brave enough to file the suit, but Zimmerman has parted ways with him and is now seeking a Florida attorney with a strong knowledge of state procedures to push the suit through to its conclusion.

In The Trayvon Hoax, Gilbert did a brilliant job identifying and locating the real Diamond Eugene, a then-16-year-old Haitian-American hottie who stole Trayvon's heart.

Reads the suit, "Defendant Eugene could in no way be mistaken for Defendant Jeantel, who was 2 years older, 5 inches taller, and about 120 pounds heavier than Defendant Eugene." While we are on the subject of height, little Trayvon was about half a foot taller than Zimmerman.

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