Monday, June 29, 2020

The Coronavirus Lockdowns Were A Mistake, Here's Why

In various states across the nation, there's been a noticeable trend of an increase in coronavirus cases.

Coronavirus data says risk is low for most Americans.

0-49 years old:.05%. 50-64 years old:.2%. 65+ years old: 1.3%. Overall ages:.4%. When you take into account that approximately 30% of coronavirus infections are asymptomatic, that drives the fatality rate down even further.

According to Woolhouse, for the non-vulnerable population, the coronavirus is comparable to a "Nasty flu."

Schools didn't have to close down, and "Non-essential" businesses could have continued to serve the public, many of whom had as much a chance of dying from the coronavirus as they did dying on their daily commute, but the lockdowns kept everyone, including the young and healthy, at home.

Nursing home patients represent a mere.46 percent of the United States population but account for approximately 43 percent of all coronavirus deaths.

Had they, we could have had a more strategic approach to the coronavirus lockdowns that allowed businesses and schools to stay open while quarantining the vulnerable.

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